‘campaigning’ this time from the ‘other side’, or  – the other way round ... twisting it, bending it, and still remaining CENTRE.

hope you appreciate =)


London, Summer 2014

2 thoughts on “ANTI POEMS

  1. I want to speak up for the silent majority – but I have been advised to say nothing in order to keep the faith – hmmmm guess that make me speechless
    or dumb!!!

    1. after a few weeks have passed, digesting your welcome peep from the eerie general silence, we felt like investing a couple of words in response and to do justice:

      it’s been said that talking is silver and silence is gold and that’s certainly true on one level. however, as we cultivators are very well aware of, different levels have different laws. does this wisdom still hold true within a framework where everybody’s clamouring with endless chatters to ‘grab’ attention while other people, those in power, are ‘paid off’ for their silence? it rather seems, that the rule of ‘everyone can talk’ that higher levels apparently apply on us, and that ‘only through actions can true nature be seen’ – extended into the chatty internet realm, this has somewhat mutated into everyone acting stupidly, for the most part, typing away in self-indulgent ignorance and ill-informed splendour, while they’re apparently, obviously, head over heels immersed in endless acts of acting (good luck with the results, folks, btw … ;P). in contrast to such backdrop, ‘true actions’ would certainly call for more than just that. and well, soberly looking at our humble blog in ‘apparent’ silence – what you did, after weeks of reflection on this, to us seems like a genuinely true action. were your ‘advisers’ wishing only the best for you, haha? moreover, can one ‘speak up’ for other people in a reality that continuously tries to corrupt you into ‘belonging’ to ‘your allocated place’ within a deranged group / party culture, while of course, we’re all, deep down, perfectly aware that we’re all alone, at the end of the day – being born and dying ‘naked’?

      so for us, your support is extremely precious and very welcome indeed. as everyone’s meanwhile come to know, despite the outer framework calls for continuous clamouring and cajoling, we are remaining adamant of never soliciting. everyone is free, aren’t they? if that’s what you want? who’d be holding you back or scolding you? if you don’t know the law, what can you do? that’s also how the higher levels who’d arranged it all look at it. can a law of the cosmos be ‘enforced’. who’d be enforcing it, and why? why bother, as well? if we aren’t genuinely ‘free’, then what are we? so here we go. consciousnesses traversing a manifold variety of infintely large or tiny time-spaces. don’t they say, be careful of what you wish for, as it might as well become your self-generated ‘reality-prison’ / ‘time-space’ in the future.

      so coming back to support. what is support when the established frictional counter-framework of ‘verdraengungskampf’ gives everybody the freedom to continuously ignore, or even kill, anything that might as well turn out the be the last thing standing in the grander scheme of things? so that’s what we can see at present. it’s a dark place but it’s also beautiful.

      yet of course, being cultivators, we’re certainly on our way out of here. what’s the ultimate goal of cultivation? it’s of course ‘returning back to one’s true origin’. that’s for sure not here in this petty three realms labyrinth, is it? who could be that misled and mistaken to believe otherwise? so while for non-cultivators, arranged to be head-over-heels immersed in a maze of ‘not-knowing’ and ‘doubting’, everyone shall be utterly free to take it or leave it, take his stance however they please, ignoring is one option or action to take. watch from the distance and see is another one. wishing to fail in order to proof one’s own point yet another one. and openly persecuting and acting on the side of persecution is also another one.

      some say, the mob has been paid off for shouting ‘barabbas, we want barrabas’. this may or may not be true. yet – what difference does it make? who shouted it? who was free to get what they really wanted? who’d be so unfathomable to feel that scores don’t have to be settled, that debts don’t have to be paid?

      and that’s it for us. over and out. beginning to store away first clips of paper for the forthcoming ‘contemplations’ issue. any submissions and contributions most precious and welcome :)

      ps: another quick thought on the topic of ‘silence’. as mentioned in our ‘power issues’ number, from a higher level, we humans can be seen as just being like dogs – conditioned and trapped in animal nature – and in this light, gods might be surprised, to see some sparkles of humanness shining out every now and again. truth, of course, being one part of the ‘law’. they’d always have to respect. that’s one way of looking at it. yet lately, approaching the more primordial dao in our reality discernment, the old gods are just what they are – old, that is – and we might as well talk about ‘child abuse’ in this light. what do children know, once they arrive here? right – they really haven’t got a clue. so one could perceive the past ‘celestial workings’, (but even more so the present ones, as behind many children really are ‘hidden’ tremendously high level beings!) also as a kind of cynical (and sad to the point of being farcical) allegory of ‘child abuse’. now the ‘millstone around the neck’ that jesus talks about makes even more sense, doesn’t it? or in other words, who’d remain silent when large scale child abuse indeed takes place right in front of them? would you? perhaps you’re someone who would. and perhaps you’re someone who wouldn’t. actions speak louder than words. and perhaps, somewhere up there, silence does turn out to be gold. but then again, what’s on your mind can already be seen, then. all there is to say you can then say with just one single smile =)

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