
for a convenient direct link to contribute:

>>> [email protected] <<<

or if you’re a bitcoiner:

to counteract the present decline of what is referred to as the ‘media’ (which on the surface has been dubbed ‘advertising vehicle’ by intellectual circles but which underneath are, of course, the brain-sucking tentacles of a global propaganda machine), the draft project is set up to never contain any sort of advertising, neither of opinions, services nor products.

in order to keep alive and eventually flourish, it was clear that a new sort of finance model had to be applied. we think that the idea of [email protected] can meet such a requirement. there are three trails of origin related to this concept:

a. freeware apps. you can have them for free but if you appreciate, donations to the cause and its creators as a tangible gesture of appreciation are always more than welcome. as charles bukowski joked, “you don’t need to send us money, you can also send your wives or girlfriends if they’re still young” :) or organic vegetables and fairtrade coffee for our office breaks. or …

b. alternative therapy. give as much as you feel this healing process is worth to you and in relation to your current cashflow situation. money is valued differently dependent on your circumstances. it’s very true, isn’t it? if you’re jobless, not paying for the time being is probably fine. if you’re earning 1.000 units an hour, 50 units don’t mean the world to you but can be life and death for what we’re doing here …

c. street art. you can just take and rape and maybe find yourself filthy rich through the ownership of some artwork or other should the artists eventually make it. we give you a chance to clear your conscience by giving something back for your possession of a ‘piece’ at the get go. you might still find yourself filthy rich but at least you and your conscience ‘deserve’ it.

spelled out, the ‘worth’ of what we’re doing in the form of a nominal value for the signed and numbered first editions is set to

£ 50,-
(state november 2012)

since the dissemination of our product is ‘unconditional’ and ‘free’, everyone who’s finding themselves in the position of holding in hand a copy has been left with a couple of options:

A. say ‘thanks’ and leave it at that. all sorts of frames of mind could contribute to drawing such a conclusion: there’s so much around. take everything for granted. being spoilt by ‘reality’. leave it for later. too dangerous to make a peep. no time since too busy. why get involved? involvement as a two-sided give-and take contract doesn’t necessarily make sense …

B. say ‘fuck off’ and don’t get involved at all. cool with us but strange if we’d have made you angry, though. anyway, there are plenty of fantastic free content dispensers around (you wish :) to cater to all the particulars of your desires. however, it is advisable to understand the true state of the ‘reality grid’ you’re in to keep walking on the safe side in the long run …

C. to be appreciative of the effort we put into delivering to you a product that you will not find anywhere else in the world. the efforts and expenses are numerous and seem ridiculous to compile into a list here. since this is meant to be a ‘creative’ product, expressing this appreciation is, generally speaking, left at your creative discretion. however, as a starting point, or if you will, a ‘money-reference point’ we felt it would make sense to give the following guide-lines:

I. should you find yourself jobless or short of money, congratulations of possessing one of our exclusive products :) according to the alternative therapy column of our finance model, not paying anything seems cool. however, a fiver seems sweet rather than cool and if you come up with a sweeter idea to give anything in return for what you’re truly getting, you’re obviously more than welcome …

II. you’re having a job and don’t give it a second thought to spend at least 20 units on a round of drinks for your mates at least, say, once every fortnight. in this case we feel giving 10 units straight from the heart is a real bargain. to even equal the 20 units that you’d have to pay for a print-on-demand version (not numbered but perhaps crisper print, i.e. less valuable though better quality) would also seem reasonable unless you think you got more out of the night out than earnestly reading our product …

III. should you be in the lucky position to sign a mortgage for a fancy city dwelling, then congratulations also. you’re most likely one of those people, then, who’ve come to understood the true meaning of the actual relativity of money and the transitory bubble of values. thirty units shouldn’t be any problem at all for someone in your position (we’re not asking for the full 50 at that :). perhaps you’re supporting us into getting second print runs? your name won’t get mentioned (not even as a line of text) in the next issue, though, due to advertising concerns (should you have any vanity issues :). your short story or poem also doesn’t get printed unless it fits and you’re professional about your ‘unpaid’ line of work …

hope that helps.

ps: anyone finding themselves in a conflict of conscience regarding anything of the above, why not settle for the portable document instead (the ‘pdf’)? it’s free and fast and instant and should read just as well on any of your portable readers anywhere in the world. although, having said that, even then, 1 unit would be nice in exchange. even half a unit. what about a comment? spreading the word? options are countless

London, Winter 2012

2 thoughts on “Finance

  1. u defo gotta weigh wif werds mait! just about to read ur zine. thanks (it’s the pdf and i’m looking for a job, so can’t give any units, but who knows what the future holds).

    1. hi craig, thanks for sweet message :) glad you appreciate what we’re doing and are one of the few who bother taking action. everyone can talk so the more we appreciate whatever manifests in reality.

      haha, about money, yes, true, not at all easy to know what the future holds, particularly on the money front. new issues in the making, though, so things keep definitely rolling …

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